Cybersecurity Company of the Year

Data News Awards nomination AXS Guard

AXS Guard "Cybersecurity Company of the Year"

At the start of this week, we got some good news.

Data News nominated AXS Guard for 'Cybersecurity Company of the Year'.

Of course, we are very proud of this nomination. However, the final decision lies with the users and so we would like to ask for your help. Or rather, your vote

Your vote for AXS Guard in 2 simple steps

STEP 2: 

Go through the list until the 5th Award and check AXS Guard.

Thank you for your confidence!

Without your support and the trust of our partners and customers, this nomination would never have been possible. Thank you!

Cybersecurity Company of the Year
Able bv, Joren De Breucker March 24, 2023

Welcome in the AXS Guard team!
Meet the new AXS Guard employees