What is GeoIP filtering?
'GeoIP filtering' or 'geo-blocking' is a technology in which Internet traffic is blocked based on geographic locations.
GeoIP filtering is often used in cybersecurity to protect the network from certain types of threats coming from specific geographic locations (countries), where cybercrime is more prevalent.
Its use may also be useful in meeting legal requirements in certain regions.
Central Management
in AXS Guard Cloud
As of 02/05, you can centrally manage GeoIP Filtering through our AXS Guard Cloud environment.
Centralized management allows you to easily and quickly adjust configurations on all AXS Guards in your environment.
GeoIP Filtering is a component of the 'Premium Threat Protection Pack'.

If you do not yet have access to AXS Guard Cloud (https://axsguard.cloud) please contact our sales department (sales@axsguard.com).
GeoIP Filtering: Cybercrime comes from everywhere!