Welcome Ellen!

Welcome to the Marketing team

"Great to have an impact on the growth of a company."

A few months ago, Ellen came on board. She is responsible for marketing at AXS Guard. But what does she actually do and how does she see her role within our company?

"I see it as my job to show the outside world what the bright minds at AXS Guard have come up with and are developing. Very nice cybersecurity solutions have been created at AXS Guard, but few people know about them. That, of course, is a shame. They call(ed) AXS Guard the 'best kept Belgian secret'. I would like to change that. The solutions to strengthen organisations in terms of cybersecurity are too good not to share them with the rest of the world!"

"Right now, we are doing a lot of marketing things, both strategic and tactical. The sum of all those activities are becoming visible and therefore having an impact. Things are starting to move. And that's very nice to see."

Welcome, Ellen! 

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Welcome Ellen!
Able bv, Joren De Breucker July 10, 2024

Welcome Thibault!