Cloud Expo 2024

Registrations are closed

The question
Cyber​​attacks are an increasing threat in today's technological environment. But let's be honest: we've been saying that for 20+ years. You don't necessarily have to go to CyberSec to find out.

What you REALLY want to know is: How can I secure my organization from cybercriminals without becoming a cybersecurity expert myself?

You want to protect your IT infrastructure, employees, data, and business-critical processes with minimal effort. Achieve maximum security, effortlessly.
How do I become a "Chillionaire"?​
I want maximum security, minimum effort.

The answers await you at the AXS Guard stand (stand 307).
Stay safe online with ease. We simplify complex cybersecurity for you.

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Don't miss out! Register now for CyberSec 2024. It's free!
» Register here

Discover more at CyberSec 2024!:

  • Talk shows
  • Q&A sessions
  • Interactive workshops & webinars
  • Network with leading cybersecurity experts

Free entry?

Time & Date
December 4, 2024
Starts - 9:00 AM
December 5, 2024
Ends - 5:00 PM Europe/Brussels

Expo Houten

Meidoornkade 24
3992 AE Houten
--Expo Houten--
Address details

Able bv

+32 15 50 44 00